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    Proportional-Plus-Integral (PI) Controller


ETC 2014

ETC 2015

ETC 2016

ETC 2017

ETC2013, ETC2014
bullet 3 Point Floating or Modulating
bullet 0-10Vdc for Modulating
bullet Use in 2 Pipe or 4 Pipe
bullet Internal NTC thermistor Sensor
bullet Can be use with External Duct Sensor, EST Series (Optional)

ETC2015, ETC2016
bullet 3 Point Floating or Modulating
bullet 0-10Vdc for Modulating
bullet Liquid Crystal Display
bullet Use in 2 Pipe or 4 Pipe
bullet Internal NTC thermistor Sensor
bullet Use with External Duct Sensor, EST Series (Optional)
bullet User Programmable

bullet 3 Point Floating and Modulating 0-10Vdc or 4-20Ma in 1 controller
bullet Temperature, Pressure or RH with 2 stage controls.
bullet Liquid Crystal Display
bullet Internal NTC thermistor Sensor
bullet Can be use with External Passive or Active
bullet Sensor, EST Series (Optional)
bullet User Programmable